Houkutus on Stephenie Meyerin kirjoittama romaani joka kertoo Isabellan ja Edwardin tarinan.
Isabella Swan on nuori, 17-vuotias tyttö jonka vanhemmat ovat eronneet ja äiti mennyt uudelleen naimisiin. Isabella päättää muuttaa poliisi-isänsä luo pikkuiseen kylään nimeltä Forks, koska hän tietää, että hänen äitinsä on onneton koska halajaisi matkustelemaan uuden miehensä Philin kanssa.
Isabella ei kuitenkaan tunne oloaan kotoisaksi Forksissa, missä aurinko ei ikinä paista ja koulu on hyvin pieni verrattuna edelliseen. Hänen on löydettävä uusia kavereita ja monet pojat ihastuvat koulun "uuteen tyttöön". Se tuntuu Bellasta häiritsevältä.
Sitten hän tapaa Edwardin. Edward Cullen on yli-inhimillisen komea, kertakaikkisisen häikäisevä, melkein puolijumala. Hän on paikallisen lääkärin ja hänen vaimonsa ottolapsi, niinkuin hänen 4 sisarustaankin. Koko Cullenien perhe ovat samanlaisia, jotenkin mysteerisiä. Jokainen heistä on häikäisevän kaunis, mutta myös hyvin etäinen. Heidän ihonsa on lumivalkoinen ja he eivät koskaan tunnu syövän mitään... myös muista kummallisuuksia heistä löytyy.
Aluksi Edward käyttäytyy hyvin vihamielisesti Bellaa kohtaan. Bella ei voi käsittää miten Edward saattoi vihata häntä niin valtavasti vaikka he eivät edes tunteneet toisiaan. Pikkuhiljaa Edward alkaa kuitenkin juttelemaan Bellalle ja kohta kaksikko huomaa, etteivät he pysty pysyttelemään erossa toisistaan. Silti jotain tuntuu olevan pielessä...
Jacob Black - intiaani, kertoo Bellalle heimonsa legendasta. Legendan mukaan Jacobin heimo polveutuu suoraan susista. Legendassa mainitaan myös kylmäihoiset, jotka metsästivät heimon alueella. Kylmäihoiset olivat vamppyyreja. Lopulta Bella tajuaa, että Edward on vamppyyri.
Vaaroja uhmaten Edward ja Bella rakastuvat toisiinsa.
"-Ja niin leijona rakastui lampaaseen.
-Kuinka typerä lammas.
-Kuinka sairas, masokistinen leijona."
torstai 21. toukokuuta 2009
Twilight - The Book
Twilight is a captivating story written by Stephenie Meyer. It tells the story of Isabella and Edward.
Isabella Swan is a young, 17-year-old girl whos parents are divorced and mom has remarried. Isabella decides to move to his fathers home in a tiny village called Forks. She doens't really want to live there but she knows that her mom is unhappy and wants to travel with her new husband Phil. Isabellas father is a local police officer.
In Forks she has to make new friends and learn a new lifestyle. She is unhappy and a bit bored. Many guys in the school are chasing "the new girl" and she feels uncomfortable.
But then she meets Edward Cullen. Edward is superhumanly handsome and gorgeus in every way. He's part of the Cullen family, he and his siblings are all adopted. His father is a local doctor. There is something mysterious about the Cullens... they are all very rich, very beautiful, very stunning, and very distant. Their skin is snow-white and they never seem to eat anything. There is also many other weird things about them...
At first Edward is acting very hostile towards Bella, and she cannot understand why. How could Edward hate her so much, before they have even get to know each other?
But soon Edward starts to talk to Bella and they find that they can't stay away from each other anymore. Still it feels that there is something between them, like some kind of invinsible wall separating them.
From Jacob Black - an Indian guy, Bella heards about a tribe legend, which is telling that Jacob's tribe descend straight from wolfs. The story also tells about vampires hunting in the tribe's lands. Bella understands that Edward is a vampire.
Despite all of the dangers Edward and Bella fell in love.
"-And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
-What a stupid lamb.
-What a sick, masochistic lion."
Isabella Swan is a young, 17-year-old girl whos parents are divorced and mom has remarried. Isabella decides to move to his fathers home in a tiny village called Forks. She doens't really want to live there but she knows that her mom is unhappy and wants to travel with her new husband Phil. Isabellas father is a local police officer.
In Forks she has to make new friends and learn a new lifestyle. She is unhappy and a bit bored. Many guys in the school are chasing "the new girl" and she feels uncomfortable.
But then she meets Edward Cullen. Edward is superhumanly handsome and gorgeus in every way. He's part of the Cullen family, he and his siblings are all adopted. His father is a local doctor. There is something mysterious about the Cullens... they are all very rich, very beautiful, very stunning, and very distant. Their skin is snow-white and they never seem to eat anything. There is also many other weird things about them...
At first Edward is acting very hostile towards Bella, and she cannot understand why. How could Edward hate her so much, before they have even get to know each other?
But soon Edward starts to talk to Bella and they find that they can't stay away from each other anymore. Still it feels that there is something between them, like some kind of invinsible wall separating them.
From Jacob Black - an Indian guy, Bella heards about a tribe legend, which is telling that Jacob's tribe descend straight from wolfs. The story also tells about vampires hunting in the tribe's lands. Bella understands that Edward is a vampire.
Despite all of the dangers Edward and Bella fell in love.
"-And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
-What a stupid lamb.
-What a sick, masochistic lion."
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